Ministry Updates for Friday, September 18th, 2020

 Facebook Live Worship—Sunday, September 20th, at 9:30 a.m.

Please join us as we again worship through Facebook Live. Use this link to watch the service. And please consider passing it along.

The Missions Team has set up a Meal Train for The John Ulrich Family.  As you may know, Danielle Ulrich has been on our prayer chain with medical issues.  If you would like to prepare and deliver (contact free please) a meal for John, Danielle and family, please go to and sign up.  

Scripture – 1 Corinthians 13:12-13

For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.


Reflection – Faith, Hope and Love

Paul writes of a day ‘when we will see face to face’. Our pictures of God are incomplete to be sure, and sometimes just wrong. I had a chance encounter with someone awhile back, and we got talking about the beauty of creation. And she said, ‘It is hard for me to believe that people can look at this creation and not see God’s hand.’

 I would certainly agree with that. The beauty of creation is an important part of my faith, as it demonstrates to me that God is not only practical, but also artistic. The mountains not only fill the rivers with water during the summer dry season, they are also beautiful.

 But as far as seeing God’s face, and not just ‘the works of his hand’, well that would be great. There is an old Rolling Stones song lyric from the album Exiles on Main Street, ‘I don’t want to walk and talk about Jesus, I just want to see his face.’ That is the main line, and it is sung repeatedly.

 Paul says that will come later. In the mean time have faith (which is believing Christ covers you sin), hope (which is believing God and God’s love are at work in the world), and love (which, as we spoke of Wednesday, is a commitment to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself).

 In the meantime, I am thankful to see God’s hand at work in the world in the beauty of creation, in the dispensing of forgiveness, in the promises of the Bible, and in the daily miracles, both large and small, that make life and love possible.

 Our Prayer

God of community, God with us, God of power of might, there are times when we would like for you to reveal yourself with greater clarity. But for now, we thank you for the ways in which you already have revealed yourself. We give you thanks for the faith that lets us know our sin is forgiven, the hope that you hold us in your hands, and the love that you pour into our hearts in order for us to enjoy and to share with the world. Help grow our faith, our hope and our love, and lead us to share this with someone today. Amen.