Ministry Updates for Friday, October 2nd, 2020

 Facebook Live Worship—Sunday, October 4th, at 9:30 a.m.

Please join us as we again worship through Facebook Live. Use this link to watch the service. And please consider passing it along.

 Worship – World Communion Sunday – 9:30am and 11:00am

We will be receiving communion at both the on-line 9:30am service and at the 11:00am in-person service. If you are receiving communion at home, please be prepared with your grape juice and bread or cracker. If you are attending the in-person service, please be assured we will take every precaution to make this as safe as possible.

 Scripture – Galatians 6:9

Do not grow weary in doing what is good, for we will reap a harvest

 Reflection – Reaping a Harvest

The harvesting Christian’s do is maybe not as predictable as gardener planting seeds. A gardener planting seeds tends to know the season the good will be harvested. Not so when we plant the seeds of faith. Some people will respond immediately. Others will take time to respond. Some of the good we do for others sadly will not be taken to heart.

However, we plant the seeds all the same. We continue to do good. We continue to worship, to do devotion, to be in community (however possible at this time), to care for our neighbor, whether they are a person of faith or not, and to witness to the good God does in our lives.

 We do not grow weary in doing what is good.

 One reason is because it is simply because that is what God clearly asks us to do.

 The other reason is the promise. The promise we will reap a harvest. For me part of the hope of that harvest is not that it will benefit me directly. It is more the indirect hope of living in a world where people are happier, more focused on God, and more resilient through difficulty. The faith of others inspires me. The joy of others increases my joy. The resilience of others helps me find the resilience which lies within me.

 So we do not grow weary in doing what is good. We take things one day at a time. We connect with community. We receive from God. We live with gratitude. And we have the hope of that promise, that we will reap a harvest.

 Our Prayer

God of all Good, God whose love endures, God of the harvest, we give you thanks that you have ordered this world and called us to be part of making it good. You have given us the tools to endure. Help use them as you call us to, ever mindful that you desire to see the good in this world continue to unfold, so that all of humanity may reap a harvest of good. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.