Ministry Updates for Monday, September 21st, 2020
Scripture – 1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways.
Reflection – Take the Next Step
Several years back, I asked one of my teenage daughters to help me pick out some clothes. I did not think I needed to say it, but I told her, ‘I want to look presentable, but I don’t want to look like I think I am 21.’ So we didn’t go to ‘Forever 21’. (However, when I play basketball, I can forget that I am not 21 anymore.)
As I reflected last week on our confirmands, and the challenge and ‘rite of passage’ confirmation is, I was reminded we all go through new challenges or passages from time to time.
Erik Erikson identified eight stages of life. At each stage we have different, needs, questions, and pursuits. It is too much for us to cover in detail now. But I offer it as a reminder to those are going through life changes, we are encouraged by scripture to stay on the path to emotional and spiritual maturity.
So you, or someone you love, may be starting kindergarten, entering into teen years, starting a family, becoming an empty nester, planning for retirement, considering a move to an assisted-living facility, or making end of life plans. These can be hard steps to take. And the answers about how to move through them are not simple.
But if we face the realities they present as honestly as we know how, turn to God and friends for guidance and input, accept change as God’s plan for humanity (whether we like it or not), and live with hope that God leads us by the Holy Spirit, we will more easily move into the untold riches of the pilgrimage life is.
God of an ever-changing world, there are times in our lives when we or those we love go through important changes. Sometimes we look forward to a future we are excited to embrace. Sometimes we look back to a past we are not ready to let go of. Sometimes we do a little of both. Almighty God, inspire us with your promises, so we might both treasure the past and move forward into the future with the assurance you will continue with us. Help us be courageous as we and those we love move through the various stages of life, so that we might grow into spiritually and emotionally healthy adults. Amen.
Custodian Needed
We are in need of a part-time custodian to keep the church clean and safe. If you are interested, please contact the church office (937-696-2502) or contact Jen Emmer-Lovell.