Ministry Updates for Monday, July 6th, 2020
We are moving our Facebook Live service to 11am. And we will have our in-person worship at 9am. If you will continue to worship through Facebook, just put the new 11am time on your calendar. If you want to return to worship, please see below link.
In-Person Worship Reservation – Join us In Person at 9:00am
Due to recommendations from the CDC, the UMC, and the State of Ohio, we need to have certain restrictions on our gathering for worship, including a reservation system. Most of the details you need will be on the form below. The system will close at noon on Friday.
A Note from the Pastor Regarding Return to Worship
As a leadership team, we understand that any decision we make will not work for some and can be questioned by some as well. I came to understand that the most important thing we can do as a leadership team is to be clear on the restrictions, so people can make an informed choice about how safe they will feel in worship. The most important thing you can do is to be clear on how comfortable you and your family will be with the restrictions. If it seems like too much restriction, or not enough restriction, please stay home and continue to worship on Facebook Live at the new time. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you in person!
COVID-19 Re-Entry Challenge from West Ohio Conference
The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC) has asked The West Ohio Conference for assistance in providing hygiene items and face masks to our returning neighbors. Please see attachment for more information!
Scripture for reflection – Ecclesiastes 3:1
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.
Reflection – What Time Is It?
Some of our timing and seasons are communal, such as the Christmas Season, and fourth of July weekend. Other times and seasons are more individual. This time of pandemic is something of both. On the one hand, it certainly affects all of us. On the other hand, it affects some much more than others.
Those in nursing homes are extremely limited, due to their vulnerability, to the point that some even must dine alone in their rooms. Those who are younger and without children may feel a greater deal of freedom, though we hope they take precautions if or when they are in proximity to those who are vulnerable.
So much information comes our way; it is not always easy to feel certain about our choices. And with such a long haul before us, it is easy to lose patience.
In some choices I find certainty, such as wearing a mask in public and maintaining six- foot social distance as much as possible. In other choices, I am not so sure.
If you are feeling uncertain about your choices, take time to stop and pray. It is important. Tell God your concerns. Tell God your fears. Tell God your hopes and dreams. And feel free to ask God just what time it is in your life.
You may not get a clear message, like a text or an e-mail to which you can refer. But in faith, you can believe God will speak to your heart, gently moving you in directions which will be most beneficial to you and to those you love.
God of the changing seasons of our world, and of our individual lives, we give you thanks for the ebb and flow of this life. While it feels better when things flow naturally, we also know there is blessing in the ebb, in the receding tide. We pray for the safety of those vacationing and traveling. We pray for those in hospitals, nursing homes, and doctor’s offices; both staff and those in need of care. We give you thanks that you ‘incline your ear to us’, as we pray. Calm our hearts and strengthen our resolve in this time of pandemic. Amen