Ministry Updates for Monday, July 20th, 2020

 COVID-19 Re-Entry Challenge from West Ohio Conference

The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC) has asked the people of the West Ohio Conference for assistance in providing hygiene items and face masks to our returning neighbors. If you would to donate, please arrange a drop off at church (937- 696-2502). If you would like someone to pick-up please contact Donna Thie. We have received inquiries as to what we still need:

Hand towels, combs, nail clippers, bar soap, 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner (travel size), toothbrushes, toothpaste, bandages, (need 10 per kit, put into baggies), hand sanitizer

 Please have all donations to us by Thursday (7/23). Thank you for your generosity!

 Scripture: John 15:15

I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father.

 Reflection: Moving Toward Equality

Jesus had a group of followers called disciples. The disciples, or learners, did what the master Jesus told them. He did not always explain himself. They were to trust and obey.

 Jesus was not going to explain every line he drew. He was going to let the cumulation of lines begin to draw a picture, and then they would see. They would see the kingdom of heaven. They would see the likeness of God.

 But until some of the picture began to develop, he asked for their trust. They gave it to him, and as a much as possible, they followed his lead. He was the master. They were his servants and learners.

 But in the final week of his life, he pressed hard on reversing that reality. He washed their feet, something the lowest of servants were to do for their master. And he told them they had moved beyond being servants and were now his ‘friends’.

 Hierarchy permeates the world we live in and therefore is skews our ability to think in terms of equality. Jesus’ parables broke down hierarchy and called us to compassion, generosity and love. He stressed our common humanity.

 I believe in this world some level of hierarchy is a sort of necessary evil. But in the kingdom of heaven, either now or in our far distant future, love causes those lines to fade into the background.

 Can you imagine God as a friend? Instead of thinking of God as a powerful force who you give thanks to for what he gives you, or who you ask for what you need, try this: just tell God what is on your heart? Try it now. Tell God one or two things you are excited or anxious about. And imagine he is listening as a friend, not as one who will judge you, but as one who wants to be with you and be part of your life regardless of how admirable or how base your thoughts are.


God who sent Jesus to tell of your love and to be our friend, help us be open and honest with you as we would our best friend. Help us speak our imperfections, our hopes, our fears, and our dreams to you first and foremost as a simple desire to be with you and to be known by you. Amen.