Proverbs 18:16

A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

Thank you for your faithful commitment toward resourcing God’s ministry and mission through Farmersville UMC.

There are four ways to give:

  • Bring your donation with you to our in person service at 9:30 on Sunday mornings. A donation box is located on the entrance to the sanctuary.
  • Mail your donation to the church any time that is convenient to you to Farmersville United Methodist Church 110 W. Center St, Farmersville, OH 45325

You can designate if your donation is being made in someone’s honor or for a specific mission by notating so on the check.

  • On line giving is available two ways:
    • Set up your giving online through Vanco (link below),
    • Or use the Vanco app on your phone (link below).

Click here to give online:

Click here to get the app: