
Safe Sanctuaries Policy Overview

God has called us to make our ministries safe, protecting our children, youth and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation.  This includes such things as securing our entrances and exits, having a social media policy that includes permissions about use of individuals images, and requesting information from guardians about allergies to foods that might be present in snacks. With a few simple precautions, the environment can be both safe and fun.

Staff Policies

All volunteer and paid staff who work with children and youth at the Farmersville United Methodist Church will be:

  • 21 years old.
  • At least 5 years older than the oldest child/youth they will be supervising.
  • All volunteer and paid staff who work with children and youth at FUMC will:
    • Complete and sign an application and the related waivers giving permission to check references and background information.
    • Provide the names and contact information of 3 personal references.
    • Undergo a criminal background check at no expense if they will have supervisory program responsibility for children/youth. Individuals who have been convicted of physical or sexual abuse or neglect may not work in any church-sponsored activity or program for preschoolers, children, youth or vulnerable adults.

Staff Supervision Guidelines

Whenever supervising activities involving children and youth at the Farmersville United Methodist Church:

  • Two non-related adults will always be present.
  • Children and youth will be checked in to and out of a church sponsored activity by their parent or legal guardian or people authorized by parent/legal guardian.