Casey Irwin - Pastor

Pastor Casey holds a B.S. from Tennessee Technological University, and MDiv from United Theological Seminary, and is currently working a Doctor of Ministry at Union Presbyterian Seminary. Her family includes her husband, Blake; her son, K.B; her daughter, Miriam; along with their cats and dogs. 

“My call to ministry is to reach people where they are, bringing God’s word and God’s kingdom to the world around us. I look forward to hearing your ministries and your stories of faith, as we discern God’s call for our time together.”

Carol Barnes - Administrative Assistant and
Youth Coordinator

Carol Barnes

Carol is the administrative assistance and youth coordinator, working mostly with grades 6-12.  As the Administrative Assistant, Carol maintains all communication, schedules events, and basically keeps our church together.  Her main responsibilities as Youth Leader include leading the youth group (Kids For Christ), overseeing the middle school and high school Sunday school classes, and working to enhance the overall spiritual experience for youth at Farmersville UMC.  She is also a mom, wife, college educator, and farmer.

Renee Michael - Custodian

Renee serves as our custodian and sanctuary coordinator. She arranges our events, such as weddings, funerals, or other community meetings. Renee is a life long member of the church; she has two adult children, Makayla and Wesley. She hangs out with her guy, Greg, and her cat, Buddy.

Dani Jacoby - Choir Director

Dani is our choir director as well as a trustee and on MAT (Mission Action Team). She provides music from a variety of genres and styles. We know you will enjoy our choir’s performance!

If you are interested in joining choir, let Dani know!

Tech Team

The Tech Team is responsible for all things “technical” during the in person and online services. They recieved the Denman Award for exceptional ministry of evangelism. Those on our team (from left to right) include Bonnie Baxley, Dawn Gunter, Jenny Michael, Larry Burton, and Carol Barnes. Also pictured are Donna and Brian Thie.

More info on the Denman Award can be found here: LINK

Jenny Michael - Lay Leader

Jenny Michael is an active member of FUMC. She currently serves on the MAT (Mission Action Team), the Tech Team, as well as serving as our Lay Leader. Jenny is Senior Vice President, Advocacy & Communication at CareSource. She is married to Jason and has two boys, Tyler and Ross. She lives on a farm just around the corner from the church!

Dawn Gunter - Creative Worship Director

Dawn Gunter serves as the Creative Worship Director. She is retired from teaching and has been a member of FUMC for about 20 years. She is married to Mike and has two grown kiddos: Kofi and Cosette. She also has a plethora of dogs and cats.