Ministry Updates for Thursday, August 27th, 2020
Scripture – 2 Thessalonians 3:13
And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.
Reflection – Endure
What Paul writes here is absolutely true. We need to put effort into staying fresh in doing God’s work. All the same, I am not aware Paul ever went through a pandemic.
Are you growing tired of doing the right thing in this pandemic? Are you growing tired of wearing a mask, social distancing, and of not going to concerts, plays, movies and sporting events? Do you miss seeing people in person? Are you tired of thinking about getting this disease and getting very ill, or of getting it and passing it along to someone vulnerable? And maybe you have not been perfect in following the suggested precautions, but without a doubt you have given up a lot.
It feels to me that there are a few people who think this should all be over by now. Well, it will be over when it is over, not when we think it should be over.
When I think of doing the right thing, and not growing weary doing it, there is really one thought which helps me tremendously: ‘One day at a time’. Back in March I could never have imagined myself enduring five months. But the thing is, I never had to go five months. I only had to go one day at a time. That has always been doable. And though it has been hard at times, there have also been unforeseen graces and upsides.
People face a cancer diagnosis, financial hardship, divorce, chronic illness, loss of a loved one and cannot imagine enduring through the pain for long periods. But they do, because they take it one day at a time. Every night we go to sleep, and in the morning we wake up with God having given us enough energy for just one more day. That is all we need to think about; how we can spend just today doing the right thing.
God of eternity, God of our faith, God who walks beside us through our highs and our lows, we do sometimes grow weary of doing the right thing. We do sometimes grow weary of trying to face the future with hope and optimism. We do sometimes grow weary in this pandemic of missing the rhythms of the seasons which help us find our place in life. Give us, Lord, the energy and the faith to take life one day at a time. Help us take time each day to focus on the blessings of that day. We need your Spirit poured upon us, so that we can continue to live life as you gift it to us; one day at a time. Amen.