Ministry Updates for Thursday, October 1st, 2020

 Worship – World Communion Sunday

We will be receiving communion at both the on-line 9:30am service and at the 11:00am in-person service. If you are receiving communion at home, please be prepared with your grape juice and bread or cracker. If you are attending the in-person service, please be assured we will take every precaution to make this as safe as possible. We are also requesting cash not be used in the offering.

Scripture – 1 John 4:19

We love because he first loved us.

Reflection – Receive From God

The focus this week of our weekday devotions is on persevering, especially for those of us for whom this pandemic has been particularly difficult. This verse today reminds us that it is important to remember where everything starts.

 As people of faith, we believe everything starts with God. The earth on which we stand was created by God. The water we drink, made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom was put together by God and multiplied enough time to populate the atmosphere of our entire globe. Everything started with God.

 So it is with us when we need renewal. When we feel spiritually empty, we read a devotion like this, or the Bible. When we feel alone, we reach out to those God has provided to support us; a friend, counselor, mentor or pastor. When we feel lost, we go to God in prayer.

 Whatever is lacking, God will provide. It starts with God.

 I like to remind myself first thing in the morning that God loves me. And I like to remind God (as if he needs it right?), that I can do nothing of consequence without him first filling me with heart and ability.

 The road of this pandemic is a long one. And it is most certainly harder on some than on others. But no matter where you are headed, or how hard the road is, each new day begins with God’s love for us.

 I am thankful you have taken time today to receive God’s love through this devotional. He does love you and me more than any person knows how to. Receive this gift, and carry it forward into the world around you.


God of love, God of our hearts, God of renewal, we give you thanks that you seek to replenish and renew us. In this long journey of pandemic, help us be mindful of where the hope, faith and love that will get us through originates. We thank you Lord, for your love. Amen.