Ministry Updates for Thursday, October 15th, 2020

 Scripture – Acts 3:6

Peter said, “I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.” 


Reflection – What We Have to Offer

I know of more than one church that is well funded, but they continue to lose membership and are aware they are slowly dying. Money, the great modern ‘go to’, is not the solution to all of our problems. I wonder if anyone told those churches, ‘In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.’

 The biggest interest God has in our resources, since God does not need resources, is in that it can reflect our commitment to Jesus Christ. In this sense, our giving, or more importantly, our generosity, can reflect a gratitude toward Jesus Christ and a hope to be part of making the world a better place. This is certainly important.

 But Jesus told his disciples to go into the world without ‘gold or silver’ (Matt 10:7-10). Without money, they would be forced to rely on the power that Jesus gave them; the power to heal; the power to preach the word of God; the power to build life-changing relationships.

 In a world where people too quickly believe money would solve all problems, we as Christians can offer a broader perspective. We can offer relationship, hope and healing.

 In order to live out those callings, it may take a little money – gas money to get to where the ministry is needed; a well-timed gift to lift someone’s spirits, or maybe even financial help with a medical bill. But we ultimately offer Christ and the power he has given to us.

 So be generous with the time, the love, and the healing of God first. And then be generous with whatever resources he has given you to demonstrate your love and hope to ease the world’s pain.


God of healing and God of hope, we confess we can get caught up in the worldly view that time and money would solve all of our problems. But you have empowered us to speak of your love for the world, to heal, and to offer hope as our first move to ease suffering. Help us be generous of spirit first, and then generous with our resources as you call us to. Lord help us walk as you would have us walk, so we can promise the world they can ‘stand up and walk’ into your loving kingdom of heaven. Amen.