Ministry Updates for Tuesday, August 11th, 2020

 Behind the Scenes Technical Help Needed

Ready to get out of the house and help support our on-line worship service? We are looking for technically inclined people who would like to help. Please see the attachment for the descriptions of service needs we have available.


Scripture – Luke 4:29-30 – Jesus Preaches in his Home Town

They got up, drove him (Jesus) out of the town, and led him to the brow of the hill on which their town was built, so that they might hurl him off the cliff. But he passed through the midst of them and went on his way.

Reflection – Self-Protection

I always thought if I had the opportunity to preach in the church I grew up in, it would be a sure-fire win. If they liked me, that would be fine. And if they hated me, well then, I would be in the company of Jesus.

But you should know there are several cliffs in a park close to my home church. I am not sure I have the nimble Houdini-like escape capabilities of Jesus. How did he give this crowd the slip? I would love to see exactly how it went down.

In my message on Sunday, I made it clear we need to know the difference between those who are on our side, and those who are not. For those who are on our side, we fare far better if we are vulnerable. For those who are not, we have every right to defend ourselves, unapologetically.

Having said that, it is important to remember to treat those who would antagonize us with a certain amount of grace. To walk a line between self-defense and grace toward others is not easy. But our purpose in this life is not just self-preservation, it is also reconciliation. We strive to soften the barriers that separate us from others, and to promote mutual understanding. Our small steps of grace open the door wider for God’s great rivers of reconciliation, and give integrity to God’s people who are the church.

Jesus demonstrated the need to defend himself, and in doing so, gave us permission to do the same. But it is important to remember he gave his life for everyone, even those hometown folks who wanted to throw him off a cliff.

It is called amazing grace.


God of all people, we sometimes feel threats from people, like so many of the Psalmists did. Help us know when to appropriately defend ourselves. And help us know when things are beyond our ability to defend ourselves, and to ask for your help. Teach us how to show grace to those who seek to antagonize or even harm us. As we received amazing grace through the cross of Jesus Christ, help us learn to pass a little along, even to our enemies, so that your love might be seen through us. Amen.