Ministry Updates for Tuesday, June 30th, 2020
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.” – Author Unknown
When we join the church, we promise to support it with our prayers, our presence, our service, our financial gifts and our witness. Thank you to the following people for their faithfulness:
· All who made calls, sent cards and prayers given and received.
· All who gave generously for new camera equipment, computers, sound board, software in support of the Face Book Live ministry.
· The workmanship of D.R. Coffman, Tim Staker, Larry Burton, Don Ney and Phil Coffman in removing the old technology booth, design and building the new one.
· The Face Book Live team, Dawn Gunter, Jenny Michael, Jacob Lee, Larry Burton, Donna Thie, and Cosette Gunter, who spend hours developing, producing and working to continuously improve the worship service.
· Prayers and discussion regarding racial injustice and how we can be better Christians.
· The In-Person Re-Entry Team, Becca Lee, Jim Osborn, Sarah Helsinger, Dani Jacoby, Donna Thie and Carol Barnes for conducting the survey and developing the framework for return to in-person worship, and for everyone who answered the survey.
· Sarah Helsinger, Mike Dowden, and Larry Burton for their continued work on the church website.
· To Pastor Brian for writing the daily Faith Connections, and for those who stepped up to write one or two while I was on vacation.
· The Mission Action Team for providing leadership of the church during this pandemic
· The Mission Team, Donna Thie, Carman Helsinger and Melanny Michael for sending cards to those we have not seen, and inviting them to the Facebook Live Service.
· Joy Lauver for offering up her back deck and the resumption of the church yoga group.
· Jim Osborn who keeps the yard mowed and the grounds looking great.
· Pam Mornault that works hard at holding the church office together.
· To Meghan Coffman for her extra efforts as Treasurer during this time.
· Janie Shaffer for sharing her time at CAMP.
· The introduction of the church newsletter produced by Mike Stratton and available on the church website.
· The contributions to sermon developed by the Creative Worship Team, Mike Stratton, Dawn Gunter and Beth Kuhn.
· The decorating of the alter and sanctuary by Renee Michael.
· To our entire congregation, who continued to pray, to give generously, to serve where they could, to witness to their faith by inviting someone to Facebook Live, and to be present, either through zoom meetings, or through aforementioned cards and calls.
Prayer: God in heaven, we are thankful for the church, which is not a building, but is people. We pray the work we have done over the last several weeks has helped to ease fears, to promote and maintain relationships with each other, to increase racial harmony, to carry the message of your love into the world, and to draw us closer to you. We thank you for the gifts and the calling you give us that have enabled us to do this. Amen