Ministry Updates for Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020 

 We know that Christmas itself is really about a big present God gave the world about 2000 years ago – Jesus.   Many families celebrate this event by giving presents to those they love.  This year, our church will be supporting the Valley View Christmas Angels program.   More than ever, there are children whose families have had a tough year and could use our generosity.  Our church has been given 3 boys that really need clothes, gym shoes, socks, and underwear.  There are other items on their list they would like as well.  (List attached at bottom of FC)  If your family is interested in being an “angel” and help these kids, they and their families would really appreciate it.  To avoid giving duplicate items, please let Donna Thie at or contact the church which item you will be donating.  Gifts need to be wrapped and dropped off at church by Sunday December 15; pick-ups can be arranged. 

Scripture – 1 Corinthians 1:8

He will also strengthen you to the end,

so that you may be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Reflection – God Does Miracles – All the Time

Not too long ago, the problems and the things I considered ‘distractions’ were stacking up. I was getting overwhelmed, and little time or opportunity was left for the parts of work and recreation which I enjoy most.

 Something, or someone above, moved me to this thought… ‘God does miracles – all the time’. I wrote it on a post-it note and put it where I would see it regularly. It was a very ordinary means of proclaiming a very extraordinary thought. And it made a difference.

 I do not believe that seeing that phrase changed anything about my plans for the day. But it did change my attitude, which can be the most important change we can make.

 I did not define the miracle I thought God should do. I just stuck the hope in my heart and did my best to believe. Maybe my attitude change was the miracle?

 I suspect when Paul told the Corinthians, ‘He will strengthen you to the end’, he was giving them something to spark their attitude and drive it in a positive direction.

 Whatever journey is wearying you, whatever distractions are agitating you, whatever burdens you didn’t plan on are stealing your time, know and believe that God who began a good work in you ‘will also strengthen you to the end.’

 God does miracles – All the time.

 Our Prayer

God who goes ahead of us into the future, we are mindful of challenges and burdens we carry which feel as if we cannot carry forever. Help us believe in faith that all the good you have done in our lives cannot and will not end. Though we struggle in the moment, may we in faith know that each moment of struggle is an opportunity to turn to you in faith. Strengthen us we pray, not just in body, but in heart and mind and soul, so we may be Advent people, living with a great hope for the future you will bring. Amen.