Ministry Updates for Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

 Worship – October 25th, 9:30am Facebook Live, 11:00am In-Person

Please consider joining us in person. But please honor your own level of comfort given your understanding of the risks of the pandemic and your personal health.

 Reservation – Link to form – If you are coming to in-person worship, we ask that you help us prepare by making a reservation by noon on Thursday, using this link .

 Scripture – 1 Peter 4:8

Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins

 Reflection – Love and Change – Part 1

As we observe the increasing heat of election season, it is easy to see many put their hopes in a candidate, a party, or an issue. ‘If only’, we might say, ‘then the world would be a better place’.

 God certainly calls us to be informed and passionate about our communities. The irony is when our passion goes too far and starts to backfire, breaking down community.

 Your good feelings toward your neighbor may suddenly shift when you see a yard sign promoting a different candidate or side to an issue than you are on. Peter encourages us to maintain a constant love for each other.

 Our feelings can flash one way or another in a moment. But love is not a feeling. It is a commitment to God, to yourself, and to the goodwill of all people. Feelings happen without much effort. Love, at times, takes a ton of effort. Ask any spouses, siblings or friends who have endured the years and stayed strong in their relationships.

 I believe the only thing which makes for enduring change in the world is love. We do so much better to figure out how to love our community than we do scheming to undermine those of differing views.

 So, maintain a constant love for one another, whether it is a distant love for the goodwill of all people, or the more intimate love of family, friends and spouse. Love is not a feeling. It is an effort. Keep at it, even when it gets difficult.


God of the seen and the unseen, we give you thanks for the feelings which help us experience life to the fullest. God, sometimes we mistake our feelings for more than they are. Help us, Lord we pray, be ever reminded of the power of love, to treat others with dignity and respect, to show kindness, and to be patient with differences. Help us, Lord we pray, maintain a constant love for one another. Amen.